Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Possible Future of Wi-Fi Tethering

While I was in the contemplation cubicle (read: "bilik termenung"), it came across me that if our 3G networks have sufficient bandwidth, there is no longer a need for public wireless hotspots.

Recently there was a feature in the Straits Times with regards to the Next Generation Nationwide Broadband Network (NBN) which will be primarily be based on optic fibres. If I'm correct, the speed of optic fibre network will be dependent on the switches at the end of the lines which will determine the speed of transmission and not on the cable per say. But there was no mention of the future of Wireless or 3G/4G Services.

Some say that the increased bandwidth will revolutionize many things, but I believe the speed of data transmission over our phone networks will also have a large impact. Once the bandwidth and speeds are sufficiently large, we can use our mobile phones as wireless modem/routers for our laptop/iPad/mobile devices to go online wherever there is a phone signal. No disrespect to Wireless@SG but it sure is easier to find coverage for your phone than Wireless@SG. Best of all you can share this with multiple devices. Without wires.

What about Wireless@SG?
1. I don't think it can claim 99.9% coverage over all of Singapore.
2. I don't think it will remain free in future.

So what does this mean? That everyone would need 1, max 2 dataplans at most. 1 for for your modest mobile phone and another for the NBN if one really sees the need. Telecomm providers would need to consolidate all their mobile broadband plans once Wi-Fi tethering is commonplace. At least that is what I would see value in. Whether these companies would have to rework their business model around data plans I cannot say. Maybe they're already doing it.

Now we just have to wait for 4G to be rolled out in Singapore and then we can see whether my predictions will come through. But I tell you, the no wires thing was the selling point for me.

Reference : Is Your Mobile Ready for Wi-Fi Tethering?

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