Monday, October 25, 2010

The Kindle Consideration

Lately I have been seriously considering getting a Kindle. Without giving due consideration to my bank balance of course. Maybe its because of considering my bank balance that I'm looking at a Kindle INSTEAD of an iPad. heheh

Anyway the reasons the Kindle is appealing to me:

  1. Can buy e-books from Amazon at much much cheaper price than Borders/Kinokuniya
  2. Can buy magazine subscription without worrying about the environment
  3. Can bring tons of reading material on my trips to Malaysia without considering the weight
  4. Good contrast even in sunlight.
  5. Cheaper than iPad

Why it isn't:

  1. Got no touch screen
  2. Cannot pinch-zoom
  3. Cannot pinch-zoom
  4. Cannot pinch-zoom
  5. Eventually I wanna be able to surf and read stuff on the internet comfortably
I'm not sure the latest Kindle is able to do that last one yet and the pinch-zoom was a deal-breaker for me when I was deciding between my HTC Desire and Sony Xperia. Pinch-zoom is is a godsend for small screens and failing eyesight.

I guess I'll wait and see what kind of Android or HTC tablets will surface within the next year. You just know there'll be a Kindle App for it.

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